Consulting Services

Locally Led offers a range of tailored consulting services to implementing partner organizations, aspiring partner organizations, as well as Funder institutions. Our goal is to accelerate, support & assist your growth, performance, and impact.

For implementing partner organizations – and those aspiring to become partners, we aim to help you:


Services to improve your READINESS to work with US Government and other funders


Services to improve your COMPETITIVENESS to work with US Government and other funders


Services to support your strategic and operational SUSTAINABILITY


Services to cultivate your talent and facilitate CAPACITY STRENGTHENING


Services to assist with COMPLIANCE monitoring, reporting and risk mitigation obligations

Services to improve your READINESS to work with US Government Funders



  • Risk assessments
  • Pre-award Funder due diligence reviews/surveys (USAID NUPAS)
  • Organizational structure and operational capacity assessments (all functions)
  • Compliance program assessment
  • Internal controls assessment
  • Financial systems, management and reporting assessment
  • Systems and technology assessments
  • Corporate policies and procedures assessment and development
  • Ethics reporting policy and procedures
  • Organizational/institutional governance (Board) best practices
  • Negotiation of the prime award with funder
  • Negotiation of award special conditions

Services to improve your COMPETITIVENESS to work with US Government Funders


  • Bid, proposal and concept paper assistance
  • Partnership planning with sub-recipients and service providers
  • Budget and cost proposal development
  • Negotiation of sub-awards with sub-recipients and vendors

Services to support your strategic and operational SUSTAINABILITY


  • Strategic reviews and strategic planning for development funding
  • Legal and regulatory framework analysis
  • Institutional development, network structuring and governance
  • Development of Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreements (NICRA)

Services to cultivate your talent and facilitate CAPACITY STRENGTHENING


  • Back-stopping and gap support for operational functions
  • Human resources management support
  • Financial management systems support
  • Funder rules and regulations support
  • Indirect and allowable costs support
  • Award and sub-recipient management (+ milestone verification services)
  • Procurement systems, processes and service provider/vendor agreement management
  • Monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) support

Services to assist with COMPLIANCE monitoring, reporting and risk mitigation obligations


  • Compliance with funder regulations and award terms and conditions
  • Branding and marking
  • Environmental risk reviews and reporting
  • Information governance and data protection
  • Audits and investigations